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Fitness Equipment Display

Rakenna Vahva, Atleettinen ja Esteettinen Fysiikka

Huipputason valmennusta yrityspäättäjille ja tavoitteellisille yksilöille, jotka haluavat enemmän.

30 päivän treenihaaste

Osallistu Nordic Performance 30 päivän haasteeseen ja rakenna kehosi uudelleen!

Oletko harvojen motivoituneiden joukossa, jotka haluavat rakentaa huippuluokan atleettisen ja esteettisen fysiikan suorituskyvyn ja elämänlaadun parantamiseksi?

Tämä Opas Paljastaa Kolme Keskeistä Virhettä, Jotka Estävät Sinua Saavuttamasta Tavoitteitasi 

Tämä opas paljastaa kolme keskeistä virhettä, jotka estävät sinua saavuttamasta tavoitteitasi – ja antaa selkeät ratkaisut nopeampaan kehitykseen.

Ota ensimmäinen askel kohti vahvempaa, energisempää ja terveempää versiota itsestäsi!


Liittymällä mukaan saat täysin ilmaisen oppaan, jonka avulla:​

  • Tehostat rasvanpolttoa ja lihaskasvua

  • Saat lisää energiaa arkeen ilman uuvuttavaa treenikuormaa

  • Treenaat tehokkaasti kotona tai salilla, ilman ylimääräistä laitteistoa

  • Näet tuloksia jo ensimmäisten viikkojen aikana​

🎁 Bonuksena saat pääsyn suljettuun valmennusyhteisöömme, jossa jaamme vinkkejä, treenivideoita ja motivaatiota kehittymiseesi!


Syötä yhteystietosi, niin saat Nordic Performance -oppaan täysin ilmaiseksi suoraan sähköpostiisi.

Opas antaa selkeät askelmerkit huippufysiikan rakentamiseen!

Fitness Equipment Setup

Nordic wellness, fitness & lifestyle

Hanskoja hapoille!
Treenailua auringon alla!

A solution that really works – specifically for your body and your life situation

Many training programs, online coaching and personal trainer solutions fail to deliver results because they don't take you into account as an individual. At Nordic Performance, we know that every person is unique. That's why we tailor each solution to your body, life situation, age, background and career situation.

This is not a ready-made model – this is your path to results. 💪

1. Why am I not getting results even though I exercise regularly?

Many people experience frustration when they don't gain muscle mass or burn fat as expected, despite plenty of training and effort. This can be due to, for example, incorrect training methods, ineffective recovery, or dietary deficiencies.

2. I've tried to lose weight, but the results always stall.

Losing weight can be difficult if your metabolism slows down or your diet doesn't support your goals. The right coaching can help you find solutions to these challenges and bring lasting results.

3. How can I improve my performance in sports?

Whether it's for better speed, strength or endurance, many athletes struggle to reach the next level. Individually tailored training and nutrition programs can be the key to maximizing results.

4. My diet doesn't support my goals – what am I doing wrong?

Uncertainty about diet and nutrition can prevent you from achieving your goals. Many people need help planning a balanced diet that supports their goals.

These topics can help a potential client start a conversation and open up about their own challenges, allowing coaching services to be presented as a solution to their problems.

What does Nordic Performance do?

Fitness Group

The power of the network

Nordic Performance organizes monthly networking events that combine learning and community. At the events, we offer coaching for both individuals and companies, tailored to their needs. The programs focus on content that supports the participants' lifestyle and professional development. Join us and take your skills to the next level!

Mental and physical well-being

Exercise, quality sleep, a varied diet and a stress-free lifestyle multiply the quality of life and offer concrete solutions for physical, mental and professional well-being.


What is Nordic Performance?

Nordic Performance is a pioneer in wellness and performance, combining a healthy lifestyle, top-notch coaching and community. We are much more than just a brand – we are an inspiring community where everyone can build the body, strong mind and holistic well-being of their dreams.

Our mission is to help people achieve their best in life: physically, mentally and professionally. We offer solutions for both private clients and companies that want to invest in well-being and performance.

Who are we?

Michael Kan

Founder, expert and coach

  • Mikael is a martial arts enthusiast and fitness expert who has spent the last 10 years optimizing his well-being. He has deep experience in nutrition, intermittent fasting, sleep optimization, recovery methods, and mind management. Mikael is passionate about helping people find balance and energy in their hectic lives.

Sakari Hukka

Founder, expert and coach

  • Sakari is an experienced triathlete and three-time marathoner with expertise in endurance sports, goal-oriented coaching, and recovery maximization. He brings to Nordic Performance a deep understanding of how to build mental and physical endurance one step at a time.

Mikael and Sakari are a dynamic team at Nordic Performance who believe in the power of excellent customer service. They live and breathe promoting health, sports and well-being.

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